Today only, a desk is being sold at a 27% discount. The sale price is $219.00 .

What was the price yesterday?

Is it $300.00



To find out the original price of the desk, you can use the information provided about the discount and the sale price. Here's how to calculate it:

1. First, let's represent the original price of the desk as "x".
2. Since the desk is being sold at a 27% discount, the sale price is 100% - 27% = 73% of the original price.
3. We can express this as an equation: 73% of x = $219.00.
4. To solve for x, you need to convert 73% to decimal form, which is 0.73.
x * 0.73 = $219.00
5. Now divide both sides of the equation by 0.73 to isolate x:
x = $219.00 / 0.73
x ≈ $300.00

Therefore, the original price of the desk yesterday was approximately $300.00.