Yuki made cookies on Monday. Some friends came over and ate half the cookies on Tuesday. On wednesday,Yuki ate three cookies, and on Thursday, she took two cookies to school. By Friday, Yuki had seven cookies left. How many did she bake on Monday?

Please i need help

x = number of cookies

x - (1/2 x + 3 + 2) = 7
x - (1/2 x + 5) = 7
2/2 x - 1/2 x - 5 = 7
1/2 x - 5 = 7
1/2 x = 12
multiply both side by 2
x = 24

Thank you!

I did one exercise and could you please check it

The temperature at 2:00 P.M was 19C. By midnight, it was -3C
What is the difference in the temperatures?
I thing the answer is:


How can a difference between 19 and - 3 be only 3 degrees?

From 19C to -3C is 22 degrees difference

Thank you!!

To solve this problem, we can work backwards by subtracting the number of cookies Yuki ate or gave away each day until we find the number of cookies she baked on Monday.

Let's start with the number of cookies Yuki had on Thursday. We know that she had 7 cookies left on Friday, so on Thursday, before taking 2 cookies to school, she must have had 7 + 2 = 9 cookies.

Now, let's go back to Wednesday. We know that Yuki ate 3 cookies on that day. So, before eating those 3 cookies, she must have had 9 + 3 = 12 cookies.

Moving on to Tuesday, Yuki's friends ate half of the cookies. So, before their visit, she must have had 12 * 2 = 24 cookies.

Finally, on Monday, Yuki baked the cookies. Therefore, she must have baked 24 cookies.

So, Yuki baked 24 cookies on Monday.