explain the difference between the following three substance carbon (c) carbon dixoide (co2) and oxygen (o2)

Carbon is a solid. The other two are gasses.

You breathe oxygen (O2) in and CO2 out. In combustion, O2 is a reactant and CO2 is a product.

That should get you started.

Do your own research. It isn't that hard in the internet age

waha gas do acids release when they are mixed with metals?

Carbon (C), carbon dioxide (CO2), and oxygen (O2) are three different substances that are composed of different combinations of atoms.

Carbon (C) is a chemical element that can exist in various forms, such as graphite and diamond. It has six protons and six electrons. Carbon is known as the building block of life because it is an essential component of organic compounds found in living organisms.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a compound made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. This molecule is a gas that naturally occurs in the Earth's atmosphere. It is a byproduct of various natural processes, such as respiration, volcanic activity, and combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide plays a crucial role in the Earth's climate system because it is a greenhouse gas that can trap heat and contribute to global warming.

Oxygen (O2) is another chemical element that is vital for sustaining life. It consists of two oxygen atoms bound together to form a stable diatomic molecule. Oxygen is a gas that is present in the Earth's atmosphere, making up about 21% of its composition. It is essential for the process of respiration, allowing living organisms to convert nutrients into energy. Oxygen is also involved in various chemical reactions, including combustion.

To understand the difference between these substances, it is important to recognize their atomic compositions and properties. Carbon is a single element, while carbon dioxide and oxygen are compounds consisting of different combinations of carbon and oxygen atoms. Each substance has distinct characteristics and roles in different natural and chemical processes.