This is my first science can you tell me if I have my problem and hypothesis correct? The first time I sent it my hypothesis was wrong. PROBLEM: Does an increase in water temperature affect the velocity of ocean currents?

HYPOTHESIS: Increases in heat with relation to rising temperatures within the vegaetable and thyme mixture will affect the velocity of the mixture's movement. My project is Ocean Currents: Modeling the Global Conveyer Belt in your kitchen. I need to find out if heat affects the velocity of the ocean currents. Do you think my PROBLEM and HYPOTHESIS is correct before I turn it in.

I don't think you stovetop project will be able to prove that temperature alone affects ocen currents. You could have a uniform temperature sample of water without currents, at any temperature, if you let thermal equilibrium be established while viscosity damps the currents.

If you are in the process of heating water and watch thyme flakes floating around in a soup, certainly there will be currents due to heat TRANSFER.

Temperature GRADIENTS drive water currents.

Your problem statement is correctly focused on investigating the relationship between water temperature and the velocity of ocean currents. However, your hypothesis seems to be unrelated to your problem statement and instead refers to a vegetable and thyme mixture. To align your hypothesis with your problem statement, you should revise it to specifically address the effect of water temperature on the velocity of ocean currents.

Here's an example of a revised hypothesis:
HYPOTHESIS: As the temperature of the water increases, the velocity of the ocean currents will also increase.

By conducting experiments and analyzing data, you can then determine whether your hypothesis is supported or not and draw conclusions about the relationship between water temperature and the velocity of ocean currents.