Sorry about that. I will look at those right now. I have chosen the three prisons that I would like to provide the statistics for but it's just getting individual prison instead of an annual report.

thank you,

No problem! If you are looking for the annual statistics for specific prisons, here's how you can obtain the information:

1. Visit the official website of the prison: Start by searching for the official website of each prison you are interested in. Often, these websites provide detailed information about the facility, including annual reports and statistics.

2. Navigate to the "Reports" or "Publications" section: Once you are on the prison's website, look for sections like "Reports," "Publications," or "Statistics." These sections usually house the annual reports containing the desired statistics.

3. Search for the annual reports: Within the designated section, look for the most recent annual reports or any reports specific to the statistics you are seeking. These reports typically cover a range of data, including population demographics, incidents, programs, and more.

4. Review the reports: Once you find the relevant annual reports, navigate through them to find the specific statistics you are interested in. Most reports are presented in a downloadable PDF format, allowing you to save or print them for future reference.

If the specific information you are looking for is not readily available on the prison's website, you may consider reaching out to the prison administration directly. They should be able to provide you with the necessary statistics or guide you to the appropriate sources.

Remember, different prison facilities may have variations in the availability and accessibility of their annual reports. Therefore, it's essential to be flexible and patient during your search.