-4=(5/2) x 3-b

What is your question?

"(5/2) x 3-b"
What does this represent or mean?

-4 = (5/2) x 3 -b

My question is what is b

My question is,

What is x 3 -b ?

Is this what you mean
(5/2)x^3 - b?

Sorry, I need to figure out the slope-intercept of -4=(5/2)3-b. My algebra is off and want to solve for b.

Oh, I maybe understand

x is not a variable but *, times !!!

-4 = 15/2 - b
b = 15/2 +8/2 = 23/2 = 11 1/2

? (5/2)3 - 23/2
15/2 - 23/2 = - 8/2 = -4 sure enough

y-(-4)= 5/2(x-3)-b

this should be slope intercept FORM of what you wrote.

To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable "b". Let's break down the steps:

1. Distribute the 5/2 to the 3, which means multiplying the 5/2 by 3:
-4 = (5/2) x 3 - b
-4 = 15/2 - b

2. To get rid of the fraction 15/2, we need to find a common denominator. The least common denominator between 2 and 1 (denominator of "b") is 2. So, we need to convert the denominator of "b" to 2:
-4 = 15/2 - (b/1) x (2/2)
-4 = 15/2 - 2b/2
-4 = 15/2 - 2b/2

3. Combine the fractions on the right side:
-4 = (15 - 2b)/2

4. Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction:
-4 x 2 = (15 - 2b)/2 x 2
-8 = 15 - 2b

5. Subtract 15 from both sides of the equation:
-8 - 15 = 15 - 2b - 15
-23 = -2b

6. Divide both sides by -2 to isolate "b":
-23 / -2 = -2b / -2
11.5 = b

Therefore, the value of "b" which satisfies the equation is b = 11.5.