Which of the following contains ionic bonding?





AlCl3. I would consider the PO3^-3 ion as FORMING an ionic bond although it doesn't CONTAIN an ionic bond.

To determine which of the following compounds contains ionic bonding, we need to understand what ionic bonding is.

Ionic bonding is a type of chemical bond that occurs when there is a transfer of electrons between atoms. In this process, one atom loses electrons and becomes positively charged (cation), while another atom gains those electrons and becomes negatively charged (anion). The resulting oppositely charged ions are held together by electrostatic attraction, forming a bond.

Now, let's analyze each compound:

1. H2O2: This compound consists of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms. Both hydrogen and oxygen tend to form covalent bonds and share electrons rather than transferring them. Therefore, H2O2 does not contain ionic bonding.

2. PO33-: This compound consists of phosphorus (P) and oxygen (O) atoms. The presence of a negative charge indicates that there is an extra electron, suggesting the occurrence of ionic bonding. Therefore, PO33- contains ionic bonding.

3. P2O5: This compound also consists of phosphorus (P) and oxygen (O) atoms. However, to determine if it contains ionic bonding, we need more information about the oxidation states or charges of the atoms. Without this information, we cannot definitively say if P2O5 contains ionic bonding.

4. AlCl3: This compound consists of aluminum (Al) and chlorine (Cl) atoms. Aluminum has a tendency to lose three electrons, becoming Al3+, while chlorine has a tendency to gain one electron, becoming Cl-. This transfer of electrons indicates the occurrence of ionic bonding. Therefore, AlCl3 contains ionic bonding.

In summary, PO33- and AlCl3 contain ionic bonding, while H2O2 and P2O5 do not have definite indications of ionic bonding without further information.