Calculate the moles of Cl atoms in 0.0565g of C2H4CL2

i got 6.87 x 10^20 mol Cl atoms <-- is that right?

To calculate the number of moles of Cl atoms in a given sample of C2H4Cl2 (dichloroethane), you need to use the molar mass of C2H4Cl2 and the given mass of the sample.

1. Calculate the molar mass of C2H4Cl2:
C = 2 * 12.01 g/mol
H = 4 * 1.01 g/mol
Cl = 2 * 35.45 g/mol
Total molar mass = (2 * 12.01) + (4 * 1.01) + (2 * 35.45) = 84.93 g/mol

2. Convert the given mass of the sample to moles:
moles = mass / molar mass
moles = 0.0565 g / 84.93 g/mol

Calculate the result: moles = 0.665 x 10^-3 mol

Based on the calculations, the number of moles of Cl atoms in 0.0565 g of C2H4Cl2 is approximately 0.665 x 10^-3 mol, which is equivalent to 6.65 x 10^-4 mol.

Therefore, the value you obtained (6.87 x 10^20 mol Cl atoms) seems to be incorrect.