create a graph with your data of rotational speed vs radius. independent variable goes on x axis.

which is x axis and which is y axis out of radius and rotational speed

I have no data. Use your own. We don't do graphs here.

im not asking for help graphing. im asking which would go on x axis and which would go on y axis

Describe the experiment you did.

To create a graph with rotational speed vs. radius, you will need to determine which variable goes on the x-axis (independent variable) and which one goes on the y-axis (dependent variable). In this case, the independent variable is the radius, and the dependent variable is the rotational speed.

1. Start by collecting the data for the radius and rotational speed. Make sure you have pairs of values, where each radius value corresponds to a specific rotational speed.

2. Once you have your data pairs, you can plot them on a graph. Place the radius values along the x-axis and the corresponding rotational speed values along the y-axis.

3. Assign a suitable scale to each axis based on the range of your data. Ensure that the chosen scale allows all the data points to be clearly visible.

4. Mark the values on each axis with appropriate labels. For the x-axis, label it as "Radius" and for the y-axis, label it as "Rotational Speed."

5. Plot the data points on the graph, with each point representing a pair of radius and rotational speed values.

6. Lastly, draw a line or curve (if applicable) to connect the data points smoothly to observe any trends or patterns in the relationship between rotational speed and radius.

Remember, a graph should always have a title to describe the purpose or context of the data being represented.