I made a few changes to my previous sentences. That's why I'm posting them back to you. Can you see if everything is OK?

1)It is a whitewashed room, in which the boys and the girls are sitting in two compact bodies separated from one another by a space in the middle.
2) Mr Gradgrind is teaching his schoolchildren the importance of facts.
3) He has devoted his entire life to pursuing facts.
4) He is described as carrying a rule, a pair of scales and a multiplication table always in his pocket.
5) His surname is symbolic of the utilitarian philosophy he embodies. It consists of “grade”, which indicates a particular level of quality of a product, and “grind”, which means crushing into powder.
6) As a matter of fact, he crushes his students with facts to make them achieve the best results ( I don’t know how too express this).
7) Actually, he believes that any part of human nature can be measured and weighed through arithmetical figures. 8) Nothing can dissuade him from this belief. He refers to his pupils as “little pitchers” who are to be filled with a superficial factual knowledge.

Choose the five that you are truly questioning please.

Here are the revised sentences with the requested changes:

1) It is a whitewashed room where the boys and girls are seated in two dense groups, separated by a space in the middle.

2) Mr. Gradgrind is teaching his schoolchildren about the significance of facts.

3) He has dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of facts.

4) He is described as always carrying a measuring tool, a pair of scales, and a multiplication table in his pocket.

5) His surname symbolizes the utilitarian philosophy he represents. It consists of "grad," which signifies a specific level of quality, and "grind," which means to crush into powder.

6) In reality, he inundates his students with facts in order to push them to achieve the best results (I'm not sure how to express this).

7) In fact, he believes that every aspect of human nature can be quantified and measured through arithmetic figures.

8) Nothing can sway him from this belief. He refers to his pupils as "little pitchers" who are to be filled with superficial factual knowledge.

Overall, the revised sentences look fine. However, I would like to note that in sentence 6, the phrase "crushing his students with facts" may be better expressed as "overwhelming his students with facts" or "bombarding his students with facts." Additionally, in sentence 7, you could replace "arithmetical figures" with "numerical data" for better clarity.