what is the electronic configuration of Li, O, F, P, and B.

Please help!!!!

To determine the electronic configuration of an element, you need to identify the number of electrons present in each energy level. Here's how you can find the electronic configurations of lithium (Li), oxygen (O), fluorine (F), phosphorus (P), and boron (B):

1. Lithium (Li):
Lithium has an atomic number of 3, which means it has three electrons. The electronic configuration of lithium is 1s² 2s¹. This means that the first energy level (1s) has 2 electrons, and the second energy level (2s) has 1 electron.

2. Oxygen (O):
Oxygen has an atomic number of 8, so it has 8 electrons. The electronic configuration of oxygen is 1s² 2s² 2p⁴. This means that the first energy level (1s) has 2 electrons, the second energy level (2s) has 2 electrons, and the second energy level (2p) has 4 electrons.

3. Fluorine (F):
Fluorine has an atomic number of 9, which means it has 9 electrons. The electronic configuration of fluorine is 1s² 2s² 2p⁵. This means that the first energy level (1s) has 2 electrons, the second energy level (2s) has 2 electrons, and the second energy level (2p) has 5 electrons.

4. Phosphorus (P):
Phosphorus has an atomic number of 15, so it has 15 electrons. The electronic configuration of phosphorus is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p³. This means that the first energy level (1s) has 2 electrons, the second energy level (2s) has 2 electrons, the second energy level (2p) has 6 electrons, the third energy level (3s) has 2 electrons, and the third energy level (3p) has 3 electrons.

5. Boron (B):
Boron has an atomic number of 5, so it has 5 electrons. The electronic configuration of boron is 1s² 2s² 2p¹. This means that the first energy level (1s) has 2 electrons, the second energy level (2s) has 2 electrons, and the second energy level (2p) has 1 electron.

Remember that the electronic configuration follows the Aufbau principle, which states that electrons fill the lowest energy levels first before moving to higher energy levels.