What were the three main problems that the farmers experienced while creating the U.S. Constitution?

One of the biggest problems was whether to have a strong or weak federal government. Another problem concerned the Congressional representation from each state.

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The U.S. Constitution was created to establish a more effective system of government for the United States. However, during its creation, the farmers faced several significant problems. To determine the three main problems they encountered, we can analyze the historical context and the debates that took place during the Constitutional Convention.

To get an accurate understanding of the problems faced by farmers, it is essential to examine primary sources, such as the recorded minutes and notes from the Constitutional Convention. These primary sources provide insights into the discussions and disagreements that occurred among the farmers as they negotiated the various elements of the Constitution.

One key problem faced by the farmers was the issue of representation. The larger states, such as Virginia and Pennsylvania, felt they should have more influence in the new government based on their larger populations. Conversely, smaller states, such as Delaware and Rhode Island, were concerned about being overshadowed by the larger states. This problem was resolved through the Great Compromise, which established a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the House of Representatives and equal state representation in the Senate.

Another major problem was how to balance power between the national government and the states. Farmers wanted to create a stronger central government compared to the one established under the Articles of Confederation, but they were cautious about giving too much power to the federal government at the expense of state sovereignty. The solution was the principle of federalism, which divided powers between the national and state governments, allowing for a shared responsibility.

A third problem farmers faced was the issue of slavery. The Constitution had to address whether and how slavery would be accommodated. This issue led to intense debates and compromises. The Three-Fifths Compromise, for example, determined that enslaved individuals would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of representation and taxation.

By studying primary sources and examining the debates and compromises made during the Constitutional Convention, we can identify these three main problems faced by the farmers: representation, balancing power between national and state governments, and the issue of slavery.

I don't think the farmers experienced any problems.

Are you asking about the framers?