We left King ranch on a december day in 1873. On the Santa Fe trail, we hit bad weather. The Red river was flooded and it took us four days to get the Cattle across. All in all, it was a hard trail drive, but we got our Longhorns to the railroad at Abilene.

1. Which one of the following words should not be capitalized?

A. King
B. Red
C. Cattle
D. Abilene

Cattle should not be capitalized.

The others are proper nouns.

They should also be ...

King Ranch

Red River

Santa Fe Trail

(Did you miss some capitals?)

Write, I am assuming those were some other questions on the work. ??

i want with reading pronoun..........

is a noun to go with it


The word "cattle" should not be capitalized (option C).

To determine the correct answer, we need to follow the rules of capitalization. Generally, proper nouns such as names of people, places, or specific things are capitalized. Common nouns, on the other hand, are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence or are part of a title.

In this case, "King" is capitalized because it refers to a specific ranch named King Ranch. "Red" is capitalized because it refers to a specific river named the Red River. "Abilene" is capitalized because it is the name of a specific location where the cattle are being taken.

"Cattle," on the other hand, is a common noun because it refers to a general type of animal. Therefore, it should not be capitalized.