2/3q + 5 = 3/4

I still do not know how to find the asner to do this

Bosnian showed how to work this problem and also posted the answer.


I would multiply each term by 12 , the LCM

8q + 60 = 9
8q = -51
q = -51/8

just noticed that Bosnian had done this question already

To solve the equation 2/3q + 5 = 3/4, you need to isolate the variable q. Here's how you can go about solving it step by step:

Step 1: Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation to move it to the other side:
2/3q + 5 - 5 = 3/4 - 5

Simplifying this equation gives you:
2/3q = 3/4 - 20/4

Step 2: Combine the fractions on the right side:
2/3q = -17/4

Step 3: To get rid of the fraction on the left side, multiply both sides by the reciprocal of 2/3, which is 3/2:
(3/2) * (2/3q) = (3/2) * (-17/4)

Simplifying this equation gives you:
1q = -51/8

Step 4: To express q as a single number, divide both sides by 1:
(1/1)q = (-51/8) / (1/1)

Simplifying this equation gives you:
q = -51/8

So, the solution to the equation is q = -51/8.