Solve for x

log[1/3](x^(2) + x) - log[1/3] (x^(2) - x) = -1

Steps too please.

so far I tried this and I got 3 = (x+1) / (x-1)

I asked this question before, but what would x= ?

I solved it


To solve for x in the equation:

log[1/3](x^(2) + x) - log[1/3](x^(2) - x) = -1

Here are the steps to solve it:

Step 1: Use the formula for logarithmic subtraction:

log(base a)(x/y) = log(base a)x - log(base a)y

Applying this formula, the equation can be rewritten as:

log[1/3]((x^(2) + x)/(x^(2) - x)) = -1

Step 2: Use the definition of logarithm to rewrite the equation as an exponential equation:

1/3^(-1) = (x^(2) + x)/(x^(2) - x)

Step 3: Simplify the exponents:

3 = (x^(2) + x)/(x^(2) - x)

Step 4: Cross-multiply:

3(x^(2) - x) = x^(2) + x

Step 5: Expand and simplify:

3x^(2) - 3x = x^(2) + x

Step 6: Move all terms to one side to set the equation equal to zero:

3x^(2) - 3x - x^(2) - x = 0

2x^(2) - 4x = 0

Step 7: Factor out common terms:

2x(x - 2) = 0

Step 8: Apply the zero product property:

2x = 0 or x - 2 = 0

Step 9: Solve for x:

For 2x = 0:

x = 0

For x - 2 = 0:

x = 2

Hence, the solution is x = 0 or x = 2.