8( b + 3) = 4b - 4

8( b + 3) = 4b - 4

8b + 24 = 4b - 4
4b = -28
b = ?

To solve this equation 8(b + 3) = 4b - 4, we will use the steps of simplifying and isolating the variable.

Step 1: Distribute the 8 to the terms inside the parentheses.
8(b + 3) = 8b + 24

The equation now becomes:
8b + 24 = 4b - 4

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Subtract 4b from both sides to move all the b terms to one side:
8b - 4b + 24 = -4

Simplifying the left side, we get:
4b + 24 = -4

Step 3: Isolate the variable.
Subtract 24 from both sides to isolate the term with b:
4b + 24 - 24 = -4 - 24

Simplifying both sides, we get:
4b = -28

Step 4: Solve for b.
Divide both sides by 4 to solve for b:
4b/4 = -28/4

Simplifying both sides, we get:
b = -7

The solution to the equation is b = -7.