Which one of the following items would be most likely to have a list of chapter titles?

A. A magazine
B. A novel
C. A newspaper
D. An article

B. A novel


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The most likely item to have a list of chapter titles is B. A novel.

A. A magazine typically does not have chapter titles as it usually contains shorter articles or features rather than longer, multi-chapter narratives.

B. A novel is a book-length work of fiction that often consists of multiple chapters. Chapter titles are commonly used in novels to indicate the different sections or parts of the story.

C. A newspaper is a periodical publication that primarily provides news and current events. While newspapers may have sections or headings, they do not usually have chapter titles.

D. An article is a shorter, focused piece of writing that typically appears in magazines, newspapers, or online publications. Since articles are usually standalone pieces, they do not have chapter titles.

By considering the nature of each item and its typical contents, we can determine that a novel is the item most likely to have a list of chapter titles.
