In Classical conditioning the response is typically_______, whereas in operant conditioning the response_______ the environment.

A. Learned; has a neutral effect on
B. Unconditional; is reflexive in
C. Reflexive; Produce effects on
D. Conditional; naturally occurs in

I chose answer C reflexive;produces effects on

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the concepts of classical and operant conditioning and analyze the options provided.

Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which an organism learns to associate two stimuli. It involves the pairing of a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to create a learned response.

On the other hand, operant conditioning is a type of learning that focuses on the relationship between behavior and its consequences. It involves using reinforcement or punishment to shape or modify behavior.

Now let's evaluate the provided options:

A. Learned; has a neutral effect on
This option does not accurately describe the response in classical conditioning or operant conditioning. In classical conditioning, the response is not necessarily learned, and in operant conditioning, the response has consequences, either reinforcing or punishing.

B. Unconditional; is reflexive in
This option correctly describes the response in classical conditioning, where the response is reflexive and innate. However, it does not accurately describe the response in operant conditioning, where the response is contingent upon the consequences.

C. Reflexive; produces effects on
This option accurately describes the response in classical conditioning, where the response is reflexive. It also accurately describes the response in operant conditioning, where the response produces effects on the environment due to reinforcement or punishment. Therefore, this option seems to be the correct answer.

D. Conditional; naturally occurs in
This option inaccurately describes the response in classical conditioning. The response in classical conditioning is not conditional; it is reflexive and occurs due to the pairing of stimuli. Additionally, this option does not accurately describe the response in operant conditioning, where the response is contingent upon consequences.

Based on the analysis, it appears that option C, "Reflexive; produces effects on," is the most accurate description of the response in both classical and operant conditioning.