a naturalistic language-learning environment

a occurs mostly in the home
b. is created whenever a child is communicating with others
c. occurs mostly in speech therapy
d. excludes speech therapy
I chose "c" as my answer can someone please check

can someone please help me with this question

To check your answer, let's analyze the options provided:

a) A naturalistic language-learning environment: This refers to a setting where the language is acquired through natural experiences and interactions, commonly within the home or community.

b) Created whenever a child is communicating with others: This option suggests that a naturalistic language-learning environment is established whenever a child interacts with others, irrespective of the setting.

c) Occurs mostly in speech therapy: This option implies that a naturalistic language-learning environment is primarily observed during speech therapy sessions.

d) Excludes speech therapy: This option asserts that a naturalistic language-learning environment does not include speech therapy.

Based on these explanations, option 'c' suggests that a naturalistic language-learning environment mainly occurs in speech therapy. However, this is not accurate.

The correct answer would be option 'a' — a naturalistic language-learning environment occurs mostly in the home. This setting provides ample opportunities for children to interact with parents, siblings, and other family members, facilitating the development of language skills in a natural context.

Therefore, it appears that your initial choice was incorrect.