On a trip from Lousiana to Flordia, your family wants to travel at least 420 miles in 8 hours of driving. Write and solve an inequality to find what your average speed must be.

D = RT (distance = rate x time)

R = rate

8R >= 420
R >= 52.5


8 <8


just so you know the less than symbols are all supposed to be less than or equal to.

To find the average speed needed to travel at least 420 miles in 8 hours, we can use the formula: Average speed = Total distance / Total time.

Let's say the average speed needed is represented by "x" miles per hour.

The total distance is given as 420 miles, and the total time is given as 8 hours.

Using the formula, we can write the inequality:

x ≥ 420 miles / 8 hours

Simplifying this inequality, we have:

x ≥ 52.5 miles per hour

Therefore, your average speed must be at least 52.5 miles per hour to travel at least 420 miles in 8 hours.

To find the average speed needed for the trip, we can use the equation:

average speed = total distance / total time

In this scenario, the total distance is 420 miles and the total time is 8 hours. Let's represent the average speed as "x".

The inequality to find the average speed must be:

x ≥ total distance / total time

Substituting the given values, the inequality becomes:

x ≥ 420 miles / 8 hours

Simplifying further, we have:

x ≥ 52.5 miles/hour

Therefore, your average speed must be at least 52.5 miles per hour to travel at least 420 miles in 8 hours.