What are some negative points on Sullivan in the shorty story "The Man Of The House" ? by FRank O'connor.

To identify the negative points about Sullivan in the short story "The Man of the House" by Frank O'Connor, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or analyze the short story: Start by reading or reviewing the short story "The Man of the House" by Frank O'Connor. Pay attention to the character of Sullivan and his actions throughout the narrative.

2. Identify Sullivan's characteristics: Take note of Sullivan's behavioral patterns, personality traits, and actions in the story. Look for instances where Sullivan demonstrates negative qualities or makes poor choices.

3. Consider his treatment of others: Analyze how Sullivan interacts with other characters in the story. Pay attention to whether he shows disrespect, acts selfishly, or fails to consider the needs and feelings of others.

4. Look for instances of irresponsibility: Assess whether Sullivan displays any irresponsible behavior in the story. This can include neglecting his duties, avoiding responsibilities, or making careless decisions.

5. Evaluate his attitude and behavior: Examine Sullivan's attitude and behavior, particularly in situations where he may be expected to act maturely. Assess whether he demonstrates immaturity, rudeness, or a lack of empathy towards others.

6. Assess the consequences of his actions: Evaluate the impact of Sullivan's negative behavior on the other characters or the overall story. Consider whether his actions lead to negative outcomes or create further problems.

By following these steps and analyzing Sullivan's characteristics, treatment of others, irresponsibility, attitude, behavior, and the consequences of his actions, you should be able to identify the negative points about him in the short story "The Man of the House" by Frank O'Connor.