In the book the pigman who said "Actually i hate school, but then again most of the time i hate everything."

John, the narrator. It is probably around page 1.

In the book "The Pigman" by Paul Zindel, the quote you mentioned is spoken by one of the main characters named John. To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book title "The Pigman" by Paul Zindel. You can use a search engine or visit a book-related website or database.
2. Look for a summary, character descriptions, or quotes from the book.
3. Depending on the website or database you are using, you might find a section dedicated to quotes or memorable lines from the book. Alternatively, you could search for specific character quotes by using a search function within the website or database.
4. Once you find the quote you are looking for, you will see that it is spoken by John, one of the main characters in the story.
5. Remember to cite the book accurately by including the author's name (Paul Zindel) and the title ("The Pigman") when referencing the quote.

Remember, exploring books firsthand by reading them or using reliable sources is a great way to find details and information.