find the mode of the following numbers.


The "mode" is the value that occurs most often. If no number is repeated, then there is no mode for the list.

This site will help you find the mode.


To find the mode of a set of numbers, you need to determine the number(s) that occur most frequently in the set.

In this case, we have the following set of numbers:
13, 45, 34, 23, 12, 34, 23, 12, 56, 24, 12, 34, 34

To find the mode, follow these steps:

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:
12, 12, 12, 34, 34, 34, 34, 23, 23, 24, 45, 56

2. Create a tally chart to count the occurrences of each number:
12: |||
34: |||||
23: ||
24: |
45: |
56: |

3. Identify the number(s) with the highest tally. In this case, the numbers with the highest tally are 34 (appearing 4 times) and 12 (also appearing 4 times).

Therefore, the mode of the given set of numbers is 34 and 12.

Note: It is possible to have more than one mode in a set of numbers if multiple numbers have the same highest frequency.