Choose the answer that identifies the underlined word.

Well, I must say that your ideas are quite creative. ("creative" is underlined)
direct object

indirect object

x objective complement

predicate adjective

One more!

Choose the adjective phrase in the sentence.

Just in time, the referee blew on his whistle, and the player with the ball shot it into the basket.

in time
on his whistle
x with the ball
into the basket

The first is wrong. The second is correct.

What is the first one? It doesn't make sense.

Do you know CREATIVE people?

New gadgets are designed by CREATIVE engineers.

What part of speech is CREATIVE in those sentences?

Please look up creative in a dictionary. It will tell you its part of speech.

I know it's adjective, but that's not one of my options. :(

Is it "Objective complement"? I think that's right. what do you say?

Predicate Adjective?

Right. It's a predicate adjective.

It can't be an object complement because it follows a linking verb and is not a noun or pronoun.

To identify the underlined word, we can analyze the sentence structure. In this case, "creative" is referring to the ideas and is describing them. To determine its function, we need to consider whether it is functioning as a direct object, indirect object, objective complement, or predicate adjective.

A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb. An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that appears between a verb and a direct object, indicating to whom or for whom the action is done. An objective complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that completes the meaning of a transitive verb and modifies, renames, or describes the direct object. A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and provides more information about the subject.

In this sentence, the word "creative" is describing the ideas, so it is functioning as a predicate adjective.