I need help finding the the indicated outputs for f(x)=4x^-5x




All you have to do is put the number given in for x. I will do the first one for you.


To find the indicated outputs for the given function f(x) = 4x^(-5x), you need to substitute the given values of x into the function and calculate the corresponding outputs.

Let's go step by step:

1. For f(0):
Substitute x = 0 into the function:
f(0) = 4(0)^(-5(0))

Any number (except 0) raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1. So, we have:
f(0) = 4(1)
f(0) = 4

Therefore, the indicated output for f(0) is 4.

2. For f(-1):
Substitute x = -1 into the function:
f(-1) = 4(-1)^(-5(-1))

When the base is negative in this case, the exponent must be an odd number for a real solution. However, -5 is an even number. This means that f(-1) will not have a real number solution. Therefore, we cannot find the indicated output for f(-1) using this function.

3. For f(2):
Substitute x = 2 into the function:
f(2) = 4(2)^(-5(2))

Simplify the expression inside the parentheses to get:
f(2) = 4(2)^(-10)

Now, calculate 2^(-10):
2^(-10) = 1/2^10 = 1/1024

Substitute this value back into the function to get the final result:
f(2) = 4(1/1024) = 4/1024 = 1/256

Therefore, the indicated output for f(2) is 1/256.

To summarize:
f(0) = 4
f(-1) -> No real number solution
f(2) = 1/256