algebra: a car rents for $35 dollars per day plus 19 cents per mile. you are on a dailt budget of $73. what mileage will allow you to stay in your budget?

To find the mileage that will allow you to stay within your budget, we need to set up an equation based on the given information. Let's denote the mileage as 'm' and the cost as 'C'.

According to the information given:
- The car rents for $35 per day, which is a fixed cost.
- The car also charges 19 cents per mile.

Based on these details, we can set up the equation:

C = 35 + 0.19m

Here, C represents the total cost, which should not exceed your budget of $73.

Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as:

73 ≥ 35 + 0.19m

To determine the mileage, we need to isolate 'm' in the equation. Let's solve for 'm':

73 - 35 ≥ 0.19m

38 ≥ 0.19m

To isolate 'm,' we divide both sides of the inequality by 0.19:

38 / 0.19 ≥ m

200 ≥ m

Hence, to stay within your budget, your mileage needs to be 200 miles or less.

73 - 35 = 38

38 / 0.19 = ?