John Doe, a new patient, is assigned a medical number that has already been assigned to another patient. With a unit numbering system, how is this corrected?

A. Both patients keep the same number.
B. Move both patients documentation forward to the new number.
C. Cancel both umbers and assign a new number.
D. Void the most recent number and assign a new one.

My answer is D, void the most recent number and assign a new one.
Im not sure if this is correct.

i am correct. :)

I agree with you.

Your answer is correct. When there is a duplicate medical number assigned to a new patient, the correct course of action would be to void the most recent number and assign a new one. This ensures that each patient has a unique and accurate medical number for accurate record-keeping and identification.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the concept of a unit numbering system for patient identification. In a unit numbering system, each patient is assigned a unique number that serves as their identifier within the healthcare system. This number helps healthcare providers locate and manage patient records efficiently.

In the scenario you mentioned, where John Doe is assigned a medical number that has already been assigned to another patient, it signifies a duplicate entry in the system. To resolve this issue, the duplicate number needs to be voided to avoid confusion and potential mix-ups between patient records. After voiding the duplicate number, a new and unique number can be assigned to John Doe, ensuring accurate identification and record-keeping.

Therefore, your answer of voiding the most recent number and assigning a new one (option D) is the correct course of action in this situation.