Choose the end behavior of the polynomial function. f(x)= -5x^5-9x^2+6x+1.

I got left end up right end down. Is this right? Thanks


To determine the end behavior of the polynomial function f(x) = -5x^5 - 9x^2 + 6x + 1, you need to look at the leading term, which is the term with the highest degree.

In this case, the leading term is -5x^5. Since the coefficient (-5) is negative and the degree (5) is odd, the end behavior of the function will be opposite for the left and right ends.

On the left side of the graph (as x approaches negative infinity), the function will go up since the leading term becomes more positive as x becomes more negative.

On the right side of the graph (as x approaches positive infinity), the function will go down since the leading term becomes more negative as x becomes more positive.

So, your answer is correct. The end behavior of the polynomial function f(x) = -5x^5 - 9x^2 + 6x + 1 is that it goes up on the left end and down on the right end.