The main purpose of a peer review committee is to A. identify activities that suggest guidelines aren’t being followed. B. establish procedures for confidentiality of incident reports. C. examine the work habits of individual employees who have access to confidential information. D. collect and prepare information to be submitted to the NPDB. I CHOOSE A. BUT NIT SURE...PLEASE HELP!!

I would have phrased A differently, but I agree it's the correct choice.

To identify the main purpose of a peer review committee, we need to understand what a peer review committee is and what its role entails.

A peer review committee is typically composed of professionals within a specific field who assess, evaluate, and review the work of their peers. Their purpose is to ensure that professional standards and guidelines are being followed, maintaining the quality and integrity of the work being done.

To determine the answer to your question, we'll need to examine each option:

A. Identify activities that suggest guidelines aren't being followed: This option aligns with the purpose of a peer review committee as mentioned earlier. By assessing and reviewing the work of peers, they can identify any activities or practices that deviate from established guidelines.

B. Establish procedures for confidentiality of incident reports: While confidentiality is an important aspect of a peer review committee's work, it is not their main purpose. Their primary focus is on evaluating adherence to guidelines, rather than establishing procedures for incident report confidentiality.

C. Examine the work habits of individual employees who have access to confidential information: While this may be a part of the overall assessment conducted by the committee, it is not their main purpose. The focus of the committee lies in a broader assessment of adherence to guidelines, rather than individual work habits.

D. Collect and prepare information to be submitted to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB): This option is not directly related to the main purpose of a peer review committee. The NPDB is a national system for collecting data on adverse actions taken against healthcare professionals. While a peer review committee may contribute to such data, it is not their primary focus.

Based on the above analysis, the most suitable answer to your question is A. Identify activities that suggest guidelines aren't being followed. This aligns with the primary purpose of a peer review committee, which is to assess and identify any deviations from established guidelines.

The main purpose of a peer review committee is not specifically to identify activities that suggest guidelines aren't being followed. While this may be one of their responsibilities, it is not their main purpose. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

The establishment of procedures for confidentiality of incident reports is not the main purpose of a peer review committee. While they may handle incident reports, their main purpose is not to establish procedures for confidentiality. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

Examining the work habits of individual employees who have access to confidential information is not the main purpose of a peer review committee. While they may evaluate work habits, their main purpose is not specifically focused on employees with access to confidential information. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

Collecting and preparing information to be submitted to the NPDB (National Practitioner Data Bank) is also not the main purpose of a peer review committee. While they may share information with the NPDB, their main purpose is not solely to collect and prepare information for submission. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

In summary, the correct answer is none of the options provided (A, B, C, D). The main purpose of a peer review committee is to evaluate and assess the quality of professional work or behavior of their peers. They usually focus on ensuring that healthcare professionals meet specific standards of practice and conduct, reviewing and providing feedback on clinical cases, and promoting ongoing quality improvement.