help emphasize and explain the author’s point?

Complex sentences join an independent clause with a dependent clause. These sentences are used to show a particular kind of relationship—usually, a stronger idea joined to a weaker idea, or a controlling idea joined to a secondary, less important idea.

Authors use complex sentences in their writing to add depth, clarity, and sophistication to their ideas. Complex sentences are formed by joining an independent clause (a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a sentence) with one or more dependent clauses (a group of words that has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence).

Complex sentences help emphasize and explain the author's point in several ways:

1. Expanding on ideas: Complex sentences allow authors to provide further elaboration or explanation of their main points. By including subordinate clauses, authors can add more information, examples, or evidence to support their arguments, thereby strengthening their message.

2. Emphasizing importance: By placing important information within a complex sentence, authors draw attention to specific details. The intricate structure of the sentence forces readers to pay closer attention and interpret the intended meaning, thus emphasizing the significance of the point being made.

3. Conveying relationships: Complex sentences can show the relationships between different ideas or concepts. Authors can use subordination to indicate cause and effect, contrast, comparison, or conditionality, allowing them to guide readers through the logical connections between different parts of their argument.

4. Demonstrating mastery of language: The use of complex sentences reflects an author's mastery of the language and their ability to create more sophisticated and nuanced writing. It showcases their command of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, enhancing the overall quality of their work.

To understand how complex sentences help emphasize and explain the author's point, read the sentence carefully, identifying the independent and dependent clauses. Analyze the additional information provided by the dependent clauses, and observe how they contribute to the overall message of the sentence and the author's purpose. Pay attention to the connections between the ideas and how they reinforce the main point being made.

Complex sentences are composed of a main (independent) clause and at least one subordinate (dependent) clause. By using this type of sentence structure, authors can indicate the relationships among ideas.

i look at things

Idk u tell me

U jelly turd

Idk u tell me