Train A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 80 miles per hr abd train B is traveling at 90 miles per hr. Train A passes a station at 3:25am,if train B passes the same station at 3:37am, at what time will train B catch up train A???

At 3:37 train A has a lead of 2 minutes, or translated into distance,

D=(2/60)*80 miles
=8/3 miles
Train B catches 90-80=10 miles every 60 minutes, so
time required to catch up
=(8/3)/10 *60 minutes.
= 16 minutes

I will leave it to you to calculate the time B will catch up with A>

Train A has a lead of 12 min.

RT = D
T = time train B
T + .20 = time train A
90T = distance train B
80(T + .20) = distance train A

80(T + .20) = 90T
80T + 16 = 90T
16 = 10T
T = 1.6 hours

train B overtake train A = 1.6 hours

Tracy, go with helper's answer. I used wrong data.

To determine the time when train B will catch up to train A, we need to find the time difference between when train A passes the station and when train B passes the same station.

Let's start by finding the time difference between train A passing the station at 3:25 am and train B passing the same station at 3:37 am.

Time difference = Time when train B passes the station - Time when train A passes the station

Since train A passes the station at 3:25 am and train B passes the station at 3:37 am, the time difference is 3:37 - 3:25 = 12 minutes.

Now, we can calculate the distance train A travels during this 12-minute time difference.

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 80 miles/hr × (12 minutes / 60 minutes per hour) = 16 miles

This means that in the 12 minutes it took train B to catch up to train A, train A traveled 16 miles.

To calculate at what time train B will catch up to train A, we divide the distance between them (16 miles) by the relative speed of train B compared to train A (90 miles/hr - 80 miles/hr).

Time = Distance / Relative speed
Time = 16 miles / (90 miles/hr - 80 miles/hr) = 16 miles / 10 miles/hr = 1.6 hours

Finally, we add this 1.6 hours to the time when train B passed the station (3:37 am) to find the time when train B will catch up to train A.

Time = 3:37 am + 1.6 hours = 5:13 am

Therefore, train B will catch up to train A at 5:13 am.