simplify the expression. assume all variables are positive.

third root x/y^2


This assumes you want the third (cube) root of (x/y^2).

To simplify the expression "third root (x/y^2)," we can express it using exponentiation. The third root of a number can also be written as raising that number to the power of 1/3.

So, we have:


To simplify further, we can distribute the exponent of 1/3 to both the numerator (x) and the denominator (y^2). This means we'll take the cube root of x and the cube root of y^2 separately.

∛x / ∛(y^2)

The cube root of x is expressed as ∛x, and the cube root of y^2 is expressed as ∛(y^2). Since y^2 is the square of y, the cube root of y^2 can also be written as y^(2/3).

So, the simplified expression is:

∛x / y^(2/3)

That's the simplified form of the expression "third root (x/y^2)."