could you please help with these questions? In works like "To Build a Fire," Naturalist writers such as Jack London advocated (Points : 5)

trusting entirely in the wisdom and ingenuity of human beings.

respect for the power and wildness of the natural world.

remaining always within the protective boundaries of civilization.

celebrating the lighter side of life in the woods.

2. In James Thurber's story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," readers gradually discover that the title character (Points : 5)
leads a thrilling life of adventure but longs for a quieter existence.
is outwardly embarrassed or clumsy but is a very different man on the inside.
enjoys his life thoroughly and sees no reason to change it.
understands the necessity of standing up for himself.

3. Which phrase best describes the mood created by the words "and bettyandisabel come dancing / from hop-scotch and jump-rope and / it's / spring" in Cummings’s “In Just-“? (Points : 5)
quiet relaxation
ongoing confusion
hopeless anxiety
joyful animation

4. James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is written in the limited third-person as a way of (Points : 5)
letting readers know what the other characters are doing when Walter Mitty is daydreaming.

allowing readers to experience Walter Mitty's daydreams more closely.

creating a greater distance between the narrator and the events of the story.

changing the mood of the story.

5. What lesson does the main character of Guy de Maupassant's "The Piece of String" learn, to his sorrow? (Points : 5)
Thieves will blame innocent men to stay out of trouble.
One cannot trust local government officials to be fair.
Some people make up their minds and cannot be swayed by reason or logic.
If one is know to be deceitful, one will not be believed even when telling the truth.

6. At which point in the plot does "The Glass of Milk" reach its climax? (Points : 5)
when the boy eats the wafer and drinks the milk that he cannot afford
when the boy refuses the food the sailor offers him
when the boy becomes aware of his extreme hunger
when the narrator describes the setting of the events

7. Which of the following quotations from Langston Hughes’s short story “Gumption” is an example of dialect? (Points : 5)
“Well, that made the old man mad.”
“Well, they ain’t got no better, leastwise not for colored.”
“You can’t eat gumption.”
“There was no peace at home that morning.”

8. To help readers visualize and relate to autumn in “To Autumn,” John Keats (Points : 5)
uses the first-person point of view to convey his personal response to Autumn.
compares Autumn to the city of London in an extended metaphor.
alliteration, filling the entire poem with –s sounds.
personifies Autumn as a woman to whom he can speak.

9. A poem that uses neither rhyme nor predictable meter is categorized as (Points : 5)
an epic poem.
a free-verse poem.
a narrative poem.
a haiku.

10. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the motif of the falling leaves in Gerard Manley Hopkins's poem "Spring and Fall"? (Points : 5)
The motif of the falling leaves reinforces the idea that everything dies eventually.

The motif of the falling leaves suggests that spring will come again soon.

The motif of the falling leaves brings to mind the beauty of autumn.

The motif of the falling leaves helps the reader see the innocence of youth.

11. Why are words such as dream, lazy, and lullaby fitting in Susan Hartley Swett's poem "July”? (Points : 5)
The words remind readers of the heat of summer.
The words create a comical tone in the poem.
The words suggest fun activities to do on a summer day.
The words match the slow, relaxed pace of a July day.

12. The irony of Hauchecorne’s fate in “The Piece of String” arises from (Points : 5)
his great need to find a piece of string and disappointment when he finally does.
his desperate desire to be believed by people who know him as a liar.
his residence in a town known to be a den of thieves.
his former close friendship with Malandain.

13. Why does Cummings describe the balloonman as "goat-footed” in “In Just-“? (Points : 5)
Cummings is describing the rhythms of free-verse poetry.
Cummings is predicting what will happen to the children.
Cummings is comparing the light-footed children to the balloonman.
Cummings is making an allusion to the Greek god Pan, who charmed creatures of the forest into dancing.

14. "The Lady or the Tiger?" is a unique short story because it has no (Points : 5)

rising action.



15. Like most autobiographies, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings uses the ___________ point of view to involve readers more intimately with the story being told. (Points : 5)
third-person limited
third-person omniscient

16. The setting of Mark Twain's "A Cub Pilot" (Points : 5)
adds humor to sometimes frightening events that occur on the river.
creates conflict among the characters in the memoir.
has little effect on the events he narrates.
provides an environment replete with specific language and imagery for him to exploit.

17. In “In Just-,” words like mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful (Points : 5)
capture the way the world looks and feels at the start of spring.

demonstrate how dangerous the balloonman might be to the children.

create a high level of suspense in the poem.

force readers to understand the irony of the poem.

I would really appreciate it. Thanks

No one is going to do your work for you. Please post what you think the answers are, and someone here will see if you're right.

Yeah you probably need to scrounge for that book, that's why you didn't do good.

respect for the power and wildness of the natural world.

is outwardly embarrassed or clumsy but is a very different man on the inside.

joyful animation

allowing readers to experience Walter Mitty's daydreams more closely.

Some people make up their minds and cannot be swayed by reason or logic.

when the boy eats the wafer and drinks the milk that he cannot afford

“There was no peace at home that morning.”

personifies Autumn as a woman to whom he can speak.

a haiku.

The motif of the falling leaves brings to mind the beauty of autumn.

The words match the slow, relaxed pace of a July day.

his residence in a town known to be a den of thieves.

Cummings is describing the rhythms of free-verse poetry



adds humor to sometimes frightening events that occur on the river.

capture the way the world looks and feels at the start of spring.

please check them and post back ASAP please and thanks. (:

What did you get on the test with those answers??

Allie did you submit these answeres whad you get?

I got 10/17 by using the above answers. it was a 58.8 and 40 out of 68 points. Its okay though because I lost my book and never read the stories so I probably would have gotten worse if it wasn't for your answers. Thanks :)

Certainly! I can help you with these questions. Let's go through each question and explain how to find the answer.

1. In works like "To Build a Fire," Naturalist writers such as Jack London advocated (Points : 5)
To answer this question, you need to understand the characteristics and beliefs of Naturalist writers. Look for clues in the story "To Build a Fire" that suggest the views of the protagonist and the overall message of the story. In this case, the correct answer should align with the themes of the story.

2. In James Thurber's story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," readers gradually discover that the title character (Points : 5)
Read the story carefully and pay attention to the events and characteristics of Walter Mitty. Look for clues that reveal his true nature and desires.

3. Which phrase best describes the mood created by the words "and bettyandisabel come dancing / from hop-scotch and jump-rope and / it's / spring" in Cummings’s “In Just-“? (Points : 5)
Analyze the words and phrases in the given quote and consider their connotations and the overall tone and atmosphere of the poem. Look for words that convey a particular mood or emotion.

4. James Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is written in the limited third-person as a way of (Points : 5)
Consider the narrative perspective and how it affects the reader's experience. Think about how the story is narrated and how that choice impacts the storytelling.

5. What lesson does the main character of Guy de Maupassant's "The Piece of String" learn, to his sorrow? (Points : 5)
Examine the events and the main character's actions throughout the story. Look for a lesson or realization that the character learns by the end.

6. At which point in the plot does "The Glass of Milk" reach its climax? (Points : 5)
Identify the key turning point or moment of highest intensity in the story. The climax is usually the most significant and pivotal part.

7. Which of the following quotations from Langston Hughes’s short story “Gumption” is an example of dialect? (Points : 5)
Pay attention to the language and dialect used by the characters in the story. Look for a quote that reflects a specific speech pattern or regional dialect.

8. To help readers visualize and relate to autumn in “To Autumn,” John Keats (Points : 5)
Consider how the poet uses various literary devices, such as point of view, metaphor, alliteration, or personification, to make readers experience and understand autumn.

9. A poem that uses neither rhyme nor predictable meter is categorized as (Points : 5)
Think about the definitions and characteristics of different types of poetry. Identify the type of poem that does not follow any specific rhyme or meter patterns.

10. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the motif of the falling leaves in Gerard Manley Hopkins's poem "Spring and Fall"? (Points : 5)
Examine the recurring motif of falling leaves in the poem and consider its symbolic significance or its impact on the overall meaning and themes of the poem.

11. Why are words such as dream, lazy, and lullaby fitting in Susan Hartley Swett's poem "July”? (Points : 5)
Analyze the meaning and connotations of the words mentioned and consider their relevance to the themes, tone, or atmosphere of the poem.

12. The irony of Hauchecorne’s fate in “The Piece of String” arises from (Points : 5)
Identify the specific element or situation in the story that creates a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens to the character. Consider how this irony affects the story's meaning or message.

13. Why does Cummings describe the balloonman as "goat-footed” in “In Just-“? (Points : 5)
Think about the possible reasons or symbolic implications behind the poet's choice to describe the balloonman in this way. Consider literary devices such as symbolism or allusion that might be at play.

14. "The Lady or the Tiger?" is a unique short story because it has no (Points : 5)
Identify the missing element in the story and consider how its absence contributes to the unique nature or effect of the story.

15. Like most autobiographies, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings uses the ___________ point of view to involve readers more intimately with the story being told. (Points : 5)
Think about the different types of narrative perspectives and their effects on the reader's connection to the story. Identify the point of view commonly used in autobiographies.

16. The setting of Mark Twain's "A Cub Pilot" (Points : 5)
Consider how the setting of the story impacts the events, characters, or themes in the memoir. Think about the specific details of the setting and their significance.

17. In “In Just-,” words like mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful (Points : 5)
Examine the context and meaning of these words in the poem. Consider how they contribute to the sensory details and atmosphere of the poem's depiction of spring.

By following these steps and analyzing each question carefully, you should be able to find the correct answers.