western company besides Wal Mart that has impose western culture on the country in which the business is launched




One example of a Western company that has had a significant impact on imposing Western culture in the country where it operates is McDonald's. McDonald's, the fast-food chain, has expanded globally and has undoubtedly left a mark on the countries where it operates.

To identify other similar companies, one approach would be to examine multinational corporations that have a substantial presence in multiple countries. Some examples include:

1. Coca-Cola: The American beverage company Coca-Cola is widely recognized across the globe and has played a role in popularizing American consumer culture.
To find other examples, you can research multinational corporations and identify those that have successfully expanded their operations worldwide. Look for companies that have a significant brand presence and influence in various countries.

Please note that the impact of Western culture imposition can be a sensitive topic, as it may have both positive and negative consequences. It's essential to recognize the complexities and diversity of cultural exchange.