Determine if the relationship represented is linear. x=5,10,15,20,25,30 and y=50,60,70,80,80,90

I could not find a relationship that worked for all the numbers so I would say it is not linear. Correct?

You are correct. It is not linear over the full domain of x. It is linear from x = 5 to 20; then levels off from 20 to 25, and then is linear again from 25 to 30.

i really have no idea how to do this the x tablr is 4 5 6 7 and the y is 0 -1 -2 -3 plwase help me

To determine whether the relationship represented is linear, you need to examine if there is a constant rate of change between the values of x and y. In a linear relationship, the ratio of the change in y to the change in x should remain constant throughout.

To check this, we can calculate the differences between consecutive x and y values:

For the x-values:
10 - 5 = 5
15 - 10 = 5
20 - 15 = 5
25 - 20 = 5
30 - 25 = 5

For the y-values:
60 - 50 = 10
70 - 60 = 10
80 - 70 = 10
80 - 80 = 0
90 - 80 = 10

As we can see, the differences in the y-values are not constant. While the differences are 10 for most cases, there is one instance (80 - 80) where the difference is 0.

Therefore, based on this observation, we can conclude that the relationship represented by these values is not linear.