the trees are long and their branches are tall.

sentence fragment anywhere?

It's a complete sentence, but your uses of "long" and "tall" are not usually used to describe these nouns.

The trees are tall, and the branches are long.

To determine whether there is a sentence fragment in the given sentence ("the trees are long and their branches are tall"), we need to understand what a sentence fragment is.

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not express a complete thought on its own. It is missing either a subject or a predicate, or it is not an independent clause.

In the given sentence, "the trees are long and their branches are tall," there is no sentence fragment. It contains two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "and." Each clause has a subject ("the trees," "their branches") and a predicate ("are long," "are tall"), making them grammatically complete sentences.

Therefore, the given sentence does not contain a sentence fragment.