each side of a square flower bed is 2cm and 8cm it is extended by diging strip of 30cm wide all around it,find the area of enlast and also increase in area flower bed.

How can it be a square with 2 different side lengths?

Also 2 cm by 8 cm is about the size of my finger.


To find the area of the enlarged flower bed and the increase in area, we can break down the problem into steps.

Step 1: Determine the dimensions of the enlarged flower bed.
The original flower bed is square, with sides measuring 2 cm. To find the dimensions of the enlarged flower bed, we need to add the width of the strip on all sides of the original flower bed. Since the strip is 30 cm wide, we add 30 cm to each side of the original flower bed.

New length = original length + 2 * strip width
New length = 2 cm + 2 * 30 cm = 62 cm

New width = original width + 2 * strip width
New width = 8 cm + 2 * 30 cm = 68 cm

Step 2: Calculate the area of the enlarged flower bed.
The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length and width.

Area of the enlarged flower bed = New length * New width
Area of the enlarged flower bed = 62 cm * 68 cm

Step 3: Calculate the increase in the area of the flower bed.
To find the increase in area, we subtract the area of the original flower bed from the area of the enlarged flower bed.

Increase in area = Area of the enlarged flower bed - Area of the original flower bed
Increase in area = (62 cm * 68 cm) - (2 cm * 8 cm)

Now you can substitute the values and calculate the final answers.