what is 7560 in scientific notation?

Scientific notation is when there is only one digit before the decimal, for example 314 can become 3.14 x 10^2

Use a positive power if the decimal should move to the right, negative if it should move to the left.

7560 = 756. x 10^1

but like Esskay said above, scientific notation would not be used for 7560

To express 7560 in scientific notation, you should write it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.

To find the scientific notation of 7560, you need to determine the correct exponent of 10. Start by counting the number of places you need to move the decimal point to the left until you have a number between 1 and 10.

In this case, since 7560 does not have any decimal point, move the decimal point after the last digit, which is at the end of the number. By doing this, the decimal point would be placed between the digits 5 and 6, resulting in 75.60.

Now, to obtain a number between 1 and 10, you need to move the decimal point one more place to the left. It would become 7.560.

Thus, the scientific notation of 7560 is 7.560 × 10^3.