Jiskha I am 8 years old and I need help on this history qwestion. I have to get good grade on this or my mom will get really mad at me. Please help!

Write a short paragraph that traces the rise of Japan from an isolated society to a major industrial and imperial power.

Please don't give me links please. Thank yu.

Do you know the meanings of?

rise of Japan
isolated society

You must be a very gifted young lady to have such a complex assignment at your age.

Yes mam. My teacher teaches us definitions before our assignments of course. I am in a private school. It's more advanced. Can you please help me with the assignment though?

I am turning 9 in march!

Since you have such a good teacher and your school is advanced, I'm sure you can write a good paragraph.

Please post your paragraph and I'll be glad to comment on it and make any corrections, if necessary.

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your history question! To trace the rise of Japan from an isolated society to a major industrial and imperial power, follow these steps:

1. Begin by understanding Japan's initial isolation. Explain that during the Tokugawa period (1603-1868), Japan limited contact with the outside world, adopting a policy of self-isolation called "sakoku." This policy restricted foreign trade and limited interactions with other countries.

2. Next, illustrate the influence of Western powers. Explain that in the 19th century, Western imperial powers, particularly the United States, pushed for trade and diplomatic relations with Japan. Commodore Matthew Perry's visit in 1853 led to the opening of Japanese ports to foreign trade.

3. Discuss Japan's transformative Meiji Restoration. Explain that after the arrival of the Americans, Japan underwent a rapid modernization and industrialization process known as the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912). The government implemented reforms to modernize military, education, infrastructure, industry, and government institutions. They also sent students to Western countries to study and learn from their advancements.

4. Highlight Japan's successful industrialization. Emphasize that during the Meiji era, Japan quickly adopted Western industrial practices, such as setting up factories, developing a modern transportation network, and embracing new technologies. This led to the growth of industries such as textiles, steel, shipbuilding, and later the production of modern military equipment.

5. Conclude by discussing Japan's pursuit of imperialism. Explain that as Japan became a major industrial power, it sought to expand its influence and acquire resources by engaging in imperialistic policies. This led to the colonization of territories like Taiwan, Korea, and parts of China, as well as involvement in conflicts like the Russo-Japanese War.

Remember to write your paragraph in your own words and adjust it according to your understanding. Good luck with your assignment, and I hope your mom will be proud of your hard work!