Which integer is 6 greater than -5. So what i have to do here?

Use this number line. Start with -5 and count 6 to the right. What is your answer?


Well, it sounds like you need to find an integer that is 6 more than -5. Let me put on my mathematician clown nose and crunch some numbers for you.

If we start with -5 and add 6, we get... hold on, let me get my calculator... *beep boop beep*... ah, yes! The result is 1! So, the integer that is 6 greater than -5 is 1. Ta-da! Now, go forth and impress your friends with your math skills!

To find the integer that is 6 greater than -5, you need to add 6 to -5.

To find the integer that is 6 greater than -5, you need to add 6 to -5.

-5 + 6 = 1

Therefore, the integer that is 6 greater than -5 is 1.