Description of the process from problem one:

Please help me fill in the blanks :)

The _______ makes a transition from a _______ energy orbital to a _______ energy orbital resulting

in the_______ of a photon.

I'm guessing because you don't have much information.

Excited atom makes a....
higher energy.....
a lower energy....
emission of a photon.

The electron makes a transition from a higher energy orbital to a lower energy orbital resulting in the emission of a photon.

To fill in the blanks, we need to understand the process being described. The process being described is the transition of an electron from a lower energy level to a higher energy level within an atom.

Let's break down the sentence:

"The _______ makes a transition from a _______ energy orbital to a _______ energy orbital resulting in the _______ of a photon."

1. The first blank refers to the element or atom we are talking about. For example, it could be hydrogen, carbon, or any other atom. Please provide the specific element or atom being discussed.

2. The second blank refers to the initial energy level of the electron. This initial energy level is typically called the "ground state." In an atom, electrons occupy energy levels called orbitals. The ground state orbital has the lowest energy level. Please provide the initial energy level (ground state) being discussed.

3. The third blank refers to the final energy level of the electron. This energy level is typically higher than the initial energy level and is called an "excited state." Please provide the final energy level (excited state) being discussed.

4. The fourth blank refers to the action resulting from the transition of the electron. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, it absorbs energy. This energy is then released in the form of a photon, which is a particle of light. Please provide the term describing the action resulting from the transition of the electron.

Once you provide the specific information for each blank, I can help fill in the sentence for you.