I'm taking the medical terminology course and I'm at the part of the course that is working with ICD 9 CM codes. I'm in Chapter 2 of the Medical & Dental Associates, P.C. Insurance Forms Preparation work book and now I'm trying to do the exercises but I can't find the coding manual to answer the questions. I did found some of the answers in the study guide under the Appendix but it doesn't have all the codes for example I can't find "hemorroids". Can someone tell me where to look for the answers to the questions? Thanks!

Try using the correct spelling: Hemorrhoids

To find the answers to your coding questions, you'll need access to the ICD-9-CM coding manual. Here are a few places where you can look for it:

1. Online resources: Many websites offer free access to the ICD-9-CM coding manual. You can search for "ICD-9-CM coding manual" online, and you may find websites that provide the complete list of codes along with their descriptions.

2. Local library: You can visit your local library and check if they have a copy of the ICD-9-CM coding manual available for reference. They may have it in their medical or reference section.

3. Medical coding books: You can purchase or borrow medical coding books that include the complete list of ICD-9-CM codes. These books are often used by professionals in the field and can be found at bookstores or online retailers.

4. Digital resources: You can also consider using electronic versions of the ICD-9-CM coding manual. There are apps, software programs, and ebooks available that provide access to the codes and their descriptions.

It's important to note that the ICD-9-CM coding system has been replaced by the updated ICD-10-CM system. If you're currently studying and working with ICD-9-CM, it's worth considering transitioning to the newer ICD-10-CM coding system, as it is widely used in the medical field today.

Remember, having access to the appropriate coding manual is essential for accurate coding and completing your exercises correctly.