Research the Goldman Sachs website. Using your research findings from the Library and the Internet, develop both an EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) table and an IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) table. The tables are to be submitted in one Excel file (one sheet for the EFAS and one sheet for the IFAS), separate from your assignment that will be written in MS Word.

See the first two links below.


To research the Goldman Sachs website and create an EFAS and IFAS analysis, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by visiting the official website of Goldman Sachs:

2. Explore the website thoroughly to gather information about the external and internal factors influencing the company's operations, strategies, and performance. Consider factors such as industry trends, competition, regulatory environment, financial performance, leadership, organizational structure, and innovation.

3. For the EFAS analysis, identify and evaluate the external factors that impact Goldman Sachs. These factors can include political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal aspects (commonly referred to as PESTEL analysis). Additionally, also consider factors specific to the financial industry, such as market trends, customer behaviors, and competitor analysis.

4. Create an Excel file with two sheets: one for the EFAS analysis and one for the IFAS analysis.

5. On the EFAS sheet, list the external factors in the first column, along with a brief description of each factor.

6. Assign a weight to each factor, indicating its relative importance in influencing Goldman Sachs' operations. The weight represents the impact of the factor on a scale from 0 (not important) to 1 (highly important). Make sure the total weights add up to 1.

7. Rate the opportunities and threats associated with each external factor on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. These ratings reflect the impact of each factor on the company's success or failure.

8. Multiply the weight of each factor by its rating to determine the weighted score for each factor. This score indicates the importance of the factor based on both its weight and rating.

9. Sum up the weighted scores for all the factors and place the total score in the last column of the EFAS table. This column represents the overall attractiveness of the external environment for Goldman Sachs.

10. Repeat the process for the IFAS sheet, but this time focus on identifying and evaluating the internal factors that affect the company positively or negatively. These factors can include financial performance, resources and capabilities, management effectiveness, organizational culture, and innovation capacity.

11. Assign weights and ratings to each internal factor in the same manner as done for the external factors.

12. Calculate the weighted scores for each internal factor and place them in the respective column.

13. Sum up the weighted scores for all internal factors and place the total score in the last column of the IFAS table. This column represents the overall strength of Goldman Sachs' internal factors.

14. Review and analyze the EFAS and IFAS tables to gain insights into Goldman Sachs' strategic position. Identify areas of strength and weakness, as well as opportunities and threats in the external environment.

15. Use the EFAS and IFAS tables as references to develop your assignment in MS Word. Provide in-depth explanations and analysis based on the data collected and the insights gained from the tables.

Remember to properly cite and reference any information obtained from the Goldman Sachs website or other external sources.