
Order Of operation

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The order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), is a set of rules to perform mathematical calculations in a specific sequence. To simplify the given expression, you need to follow the order of operations. Let's break down the expression step by step:

Step 1: Parentheses
- Start by simplifying any expressions inside parentheses, working from the innermost to the outermost.
- The expression [8-6\*7)-4(13-5)] contains two sets of parentheses. We can simplify them separately:

[8-6\*7) = [8-42] = [-34]
4(13-5) = 4\*8 = 32

Therefore, the expression becomes:

Step 2: Exponents
- If there are any exponents, simplify them next. However, there are no exponents in this expression, so we move on.

Step 3: Multiplication and Division
- Perform any multiplication and division operations from left to right.
- In this expression, we have multiplication between some numbers, so we'll calculate those:

-3+5(-6) = -3+(-30) = -33
-3(-8-10) = -3\*(-18) = 54

The expression now becomes:

Step 4: Addition and Subtraction
- Lastly, perform any addition and subtraction operations from left to right.
- In the final step, we'll calculate the addition and subtraction:

-33-[-34-32]+54 = -33-[(-34)-32]+54 = -33-[-2]+54 = -33+2+54 = 23

Therefore, the result of the given expression -3+5(-6)-[8-6\*7)-4(13-5)]-3(-8-10) is 23.