How would you explain to a 6th grader the difference between solving a system of equations by the algebraic method and the graphical method?

When solving a system containing 2

Eqs, the point of intersection is the
solution. The system may be solved
algebraically or by graphing.

When solving algebraically, you use the
Elimination or Substitution Method.
The coordinates of the point calculated
is the solution.

When solving graphically, graph the 2
Eqs and the point where they intersect
is the solution.

I hope this is helpful.

To explain the difference between solving a system of equations by the algebraic method and the graphical method to a 6th grader, you can use simple terms and examples.

Let's start with the algebraic method. When you solve a system of equations algebraically, you use equations to find the values of the variables. This method involves manipulating the equations to isolate a variable, and then substituting that value into the other equation to solve for the other variable. You repeat this process until you find the values for all variables.

For example, let's say we have two equations: 2x + 3y = 10 and x - 2y = 5.

To solve this system of equations algebraically, we can use the method of substitution. We isolate one variable in one equation and substitute that value into the other equation. Let's isolate x in the second equation: x = 5 + 2y.

Now we can substitute this value of x into the first equation: 2(5 + 2y) + 3y = 10.

Simplifying this equation, we have: 10 + 4y + 3y = 10.

Combining like terms, we get: 7y = 0.

Dividing both sides by 7, we find: y = 0.

Now we substitute this value of y into our equation x = 5 + 2y: x = 5 + 2(0).

Simplifying this equation, we have x = 5.

So the solution to the system of equations is x = 5, y = 0.

Now, let's talk about the graphical method. When you solve a system of equations graphically, you plot the equations on a coordinate plane and find the point where the two lines intersect. This point represents the solution to the system of equations.

To solve the same system of equations graphically, we would plot the lines 2x + 3y = 10 and x - 2y = 5 on a coordinate plane. The point where the two lines intersect will give us the solution.

By connecting the plotted points for each equation, you can see that they intersect at the point (5, 0), which matches the solution we found algebraically.

So, in summary, when you solve a system of equations algebraically, you manipulate the equations to find the values of the variables. On the other hand, when you solve a system of equations graphically, you plot the equations on a coordinate plane and find the point where the lines intersect. Both methods give you the same solution, but they use different approaches.