what is standard notation?

Standard notation is the "normal" way most of us write numbers.


Standard notation is just the number like 248 or 822 or.... and so on, or it is a number completely written out without any shortcuts.

Just stop crying and do it

Standard notation refers to the commonly accepted way of writing or representing mathematical expressions, equations, and numbers using the digits 0-9 and mathematical symbols such as +, -, × (for multiplication), ÷ (for division), parentheses (), and exponents (^). It is the conventional way to write mathematical expressions to ensure clarity and consistency in calculations and communications.

To understand standard notation, let's consider an example:

If you were asked to write the number twenty-three using standard notation, you would simply write "23." In standard notation, it is customary to write numbers without any additional symbols or special formatting.

Similarly, if you were given an equation like 3 × 6 + 2, using standard notation, you would multiply 3 by 6 first (since multiplication precedes addition) and then add 2, resulting in an answer of 20.

Standard notation is widely used in mathematics textbooks, in classrooms, and in everyday calculations. It provides a universal way for mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and others to communicate and understand mathematical concepts and calculations accurately.