Measure of two angles of a tringle are 28 and 58. Classify triangle by it's angle.

An acute triangle has all acute angles (less than 90 degrees)

An obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle, more than 90 deg. and less than 180 deg

28 + 58 = 86
180 - 86 = 94

therefore, this is an obtuse triangle

To classify a triangle by its angles, we need to consider the measures of all three angles.

Given that two angles of the triangle are 28° and 58°, we can find the measure of the third angle by subtracting the sum of the known angles from 180° (since the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180°).

Let's calculate the measure of the third angle:

180° - (28° + 58°) = 180° - 86° = 94°

Now we have the measures of all three angles: 28°, 58°, and 94°.

By analyzing these angles, we can classify the triangle:

- If all three angles are less than 90°, it is an acute triangle.
- If one angle is exactly 90°, it is a right triangle.
- If one angle is greater than 90°, it is an obtuse triangle.

Therefore, based on the given measures of the angles (28°, 58°, and 94°), we can classify the triangle as an obtuse triangle.

To classify a triangle by its angles, we need to determine the measures of all three angles.

If we know that two angles of a triangle are 28 and 58, we can find the measure of the third angle by subtracting the sum of the known angles from 180 degrees. The sum of the three angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let's calculate the measure of the third angle:
Third angle = 180 degrees - (28 degrees + 58 degrees)
Third angle = 180 degrees - 86 degrees
Third angle = 94 degrees

Now, let's analyze the measures of the three angles:

Angle 1: 28 degrees
Angle 2: 58 degrees
Angle 3: 94 degrees

Since all three angles are different, this triangle does not have two equal angles, making it a scalene triangle.

Regarding the classification by its angles, we can categorize this triangle as an acute triangle because all three angles are less than 90 degrees.