The speed of a vehicle is 3.56 meters per second. Select from the list below all of the answers which express that speed and which are formatted so that CAPA can judge the answer [* means multiply, ^ means raise to a power, / means divide]. (Entering the NUMERICAL VALUE and the UNIT of a quantity: The numerical value is entered with NO blank spaces. Then put in a space. Then enter the desired unit.) Indicate properly formatted answers

1) 3.56m/s
2) 3.56E-3 km/s
3) 3.56 m*s^-1
4) 3.56 ms^-1
5) 3.56 m/s
6) 3.56E2 cm*s^-1

no idea

To determine which answers express the speed of the vehicle correctly and in the desired formatting for CAPA, we need to convert the given speed of 3.56 meters per second into different units and check if they match any of the options provided.

1) 3.56m/s: This option is correctly formatted and expresses the speed in meters per second.

2) 3.56E-3 km/s: This option expresses the speed in kilometers per second. To convert meters per second to kilometers per second, we need to divide the value by 1000. Let's check if this option matches the given speed.

Converting 3.56 meters per second to kilometers per second:
3.56 m/s * (1 km / 1000 m) = 0.00356 km/s

We can see that the value matches, so this option is correct.

3) 3.56 m*s^-1: This option expresses the speed in meters multiplied by seconds raised to the power of -1. To verify if this matches the given speed, let's calculate the result.

Converting 3.56 meters per second to meters multiplied by seconds raised to the power of -1:
3.56 m/s = 3.56 m * s^-1

We can see that the value matches, so this option is correct.

4) 3.56 ms^-1: This option expresses the speed in meters per seconds raised to the power of -1, but it is missing the multiplication sign. The correct format should be 3.56 m * s^-1. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

5) 3.56 m/s: This option is the same as option 1 and expresses the correct speed in meters per second.

6) 3.56E2 cm*s^-1: This option expresses the speed in centimeters multiplied by seconds raised to the power of -1. To verify if this matches the given speed, let's calculate the result.

Converting 3.56 meters per second to centimeters multiplied by seconds raised to the power of -1:
3.56 m/s * (100 cm / 1 m) = 356 cm/s

We can see that the value matches, so this option is correct.

Based on the analysis, the options that correctly express the given speed of 3.56 meters per second and match the desired formatting for CAPA are:

1) 3.56m/s
2) 3.56E-3 km/s
3) 3.56 m*s^-1
6) 3.56E2 cm*s^-1