what do you write when you have to describe a way to compare two fractions when the denominators are the same

When the denominators are the same, you only only have to compare numerators. The fraction with the larger numerator is then the larger number.

Fractions that have the same denominator can be added by adding mumerators only.

When you need to describe a way to compare two fractions with the same denominator, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the given fractions: Let's say we have two fractions, A/B and C/B, where both have the same denominator, B.

2. Compare the numerators: To compare the fractions, compare the numerators (the values on top of the fraction). The fraction with the larger numerator will be the larger fraction.

3. Draw a conclusion: If the numerator of fraction A is greater than the numerator of fraction C, then fraction A is greater than fraction C. In other words, A/B > C/B. If the numerator of fraction A is smaller, then A/B < C/B. And if the numerators are equal, A/B = C/B.

Here's an example to illustrate this process:

Let's compare the fractions 3/5 and 2/5.

Step 1: Both fractions have the same denominator, which is 5.

Step 2: Compare the numerators. In this case, 3 > 2. So, 3/5 is greater than 2/5.

Step 3: We draw the conclusion that 3/5 > 2/5.

Remember, when the denominators are the same, you can solely focus on comparing the numerators to determine which fraction is greater, smaller, or if they're equal.