what was the Freedonian Rebellion?


The Fredonian Rebellion was a dispute between the Mexican government and the Edwards brothers, Haden and Benjaminqv. Haden Edwards received his empresarial grant on April 14, 1825. It entitled him to settle as many as 800 families in a broad area around Nacogdoches in eastern Texas. Like all empresarios he was to uphold land grants certified by the Spanish and Mexican governments, provide an organization for the protection of all colonists in the area, and receive a land commissioner appointed by the Mexican government. He arrived in Nacogdoches on September 25, 1825, and posted notices on street corners to all previous landowners that they would have to present evidence of their claims or forfeit to new settlers. This naturally offended the older settlers.Edwards's grant was located in a difficult part of the country. To the east was the Neutral Ground, inhabited mostly by fugitives; to the north and west were Indians; to the south was Austin's colony; and in Nacogdoches itself were the remnants of previous filibuster expeditions that had failed. The number of grants actually in question was probably very low. According to General Land Office records, thirty-two had been made before 1825. Furthermore, in only one case was someone's land actually sold to someone else. But Edwards's behavior was threatening and served to polarize the old inhabitants against the new.

What are the answers

The Freedonian Rebellion refers to a fictional event. It originated from the classic comedy film "Duck Soup," released in 1933. The movie was directed by Leo McCarey and starred the Marx Brothers. In the film, Freedonia is a fictional country with Groucho Marx playing Rufus T. Firefly, who becomes the leader of Freedonia.

The plot revolves around a conflict between Freedonia and its neighboring country, Sylvania. The wealthy Mrs. Teasdale agrees to lend money to Freedonia under the condition that Rufus T. Firefly becomes the country's president. However, his eccentric leadership style sparks a series of misadventures and comedic situations, including the Freedonian Rebellion.

As the movie progresses, political and comedic chaos ensues within the country, leading to a full-scale rebellion against Rufus T. Firefly's rule. The rebellion is portrayed in a humorous and satirical manner, reflecting the anarchic and farcical nature of the film.

To learn more about the Freedonian Rebellion and its comedic portrayal, I highly recommend watching the movie "Duck Soup." It remains one of the most highly regarded and influential comedy films of all time, known for its witty dialogue, slapstick humor, and clever social commentary.